Tuesday CCC Updates
October 27, 2009
- Big thanks again to Jim Nowak and ABD for putting on another great race (with even better weather) in Bartlett… the CCC’s 2nd largest race of 2010 by # of riders. If any of you web geeks are counting… the CCC site had over 6,000 page views yesterday (our highest one day total). We should start advertising…
- Up next is the St. Charles / Campton CCC race hosted by Bicycle Heaven. This race showcases more elevation gain than any other CCC race and a fun wooded section with drainage bars that always keep things interesting. Keeping with this year’s theme of surprises, promoter Rob Kelley tells us he and Bicycle Heaven will have a few fun things in store for everyone. The course will be similar to last year with a few new twists, and a great spectating area near the playground (let’s see what name you all can come up with for the this week). Check back Friday for the usual preview.
- Also don’t forget about the special Halloween callups this weekend in St. Charles. Here’s another idea for you.
- Don’t forget that Rob Curtis (from the St. Charles neck of the woods) is building, renting, and selling nice carbon CX wheels with tires already glued. Check him out at http://www.psimet.com and his blog here.
- Before heading out to St. Charles, make sure to check out IIT’s Swap and Hop this Saturday. For the “Swap” bring old bikes and parts and pick up something new… or at least new to you. If you’re a vendor go here. For the “Hop” the clinic is being run by coach Randy Warren and online pre-registration (for the clinic) is open until Friday at 6pm. Randy will be covering lots of great CX knowledge including bike handling, training, & tactics. See Randy’s full schedule here.
- USAC has announced preliminary call-up info for nationals. CX Magazine has it posted here.
- A quick note on spectating at CCC events… We want everyone to have a great time and we ourselves enjoy watching the level of enthusiasm all riders have brought to this year’s series. However our (and everyone else’s) first concern is/should be the safety of all riders. Dollar bill, $2 bill, $20 bill, hotdog, bacon, and yes, even X-Box game hand-ups are okay… but spectators should never, ever, ever interfere with a rider’s forward movement during their race. CX is supposed to be fun, so get close, get in riders’ faces, heckle all you want… but under no circumstances are glass, metal, or dangerous objects allowed on the course at any time. Glass is okay directly next to the course if said glass is wrapped around a carbonated beverage, perhaps from a local business. You all have been doing a great job so far, so let’s just keep it clean, fun, and enjoyable for everyone involved. The last thing we want is to send someone to the hospital with a lawn-dart stuck in their leg.
- Don’t forget to vote for you favorite CCC t-shirt design in the side bar on the right (==>) or in the original post here. Voting polls are open until midnight this Saturday (10/31/09).
- The Hilton Indian Lakes CCC race is fast approaching. Race promoter and South Chicago Wheelman VP Mike Kelly (better known as Super Girl) sent us this tentative list of extras to expect. Indian Lakes will be the 2nd (and final) new CCC venue for 2010 and already sounds like a ton fun… before we even see the course.
- All Day, all you can eat buffet for $13.95. This won’t be a crap buffet your grandfather would like, but good food: burgers, chicken, soup, fruit. Probably open at 11 AM and go to about 6 PM.
- $2 Pints of Fat Tire Ale (New Belgium Brewery is a sponsor of the event).
- Room rates $79. Up to 5 people can stay in one room at no extra charge. Roll away beds provided at no extra charge. Contact the hotel here and let them know you’re with the CCC. Room rates apply for Friday or Saturday night… so spend the night before the race and sleep in on Saturday, or keep the party going after the race and avoid driving home in the dark. At least one CCC director will be spending the night on Saturday and wouldn’t mind hanging out with some CX’ers.
- Outdoor patio seating with open fire pits burning all day long.
- Indoor heated pool. All ages welcome. Drop off the kiddies at the pool and double up… err, make sure someone’s watching them before you race!
- Indoor locker room. Change in the warmth. Take a shower after your race.
- Spa, including steam room and jacuzzi. Real nice after a long day of racing.
- Christian Vande Velde autographed jersey raffle; as well as other prizes. All proceeds to benefit the SCW Junior Development Program.
- Live Band. Probably start at 3ish and playing until 6ish.
- Here’s three last pics from “Heckle Hill” at last weekend’s Bartlett / Sunrise Park race…
Timeless… there are so many things that are right about this photo… the anticipation, the excitement, the cheering, the clapping, the bullhorn, the teddy bear, the SuperGirl… every single person in this photo can’t wait to see the next rider make it up the hill or fall down trying. But the great thing is it doesn’t matter either way what happens… everyone will cheer no matter what!

Photo: Luke Seeman
Case in point…

Photo: Luke Seemann
And finally… then there’s this guy (sorry we still don’t know your name yet Greg Teiber) who has participated in every CCC race this season. He doesn’t win… he’s not even close… he was wearing jeans and a flannel button-down shirt until Barlett… but he’s having a great time… and so is everyone else. Look at all of those cowbells, look at all of those arms in the air… look at the excitement on SuperGirl’s face… hell, look at the sheer giddiness on everyone’s face… this is what makes CX racing our little party each and every Sunday afternoon… and we hope you’ll all be there next week!